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No special access is required for the course.
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Net Control is to be on site setting up no later than 0600.
Check-ins are at 0630 for this event. Please be on station and ready for Net Control to start check-ins promptly at 0630.
The race starts at 0700 and should be done by 1030.
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Our primary mission is eyes on the course to provide safety. In the event of a emergency, contact Net Control as soon as possible. If it is a life or death medical emergency 911 is an option. Safety is our number one job.
Our secondary job is to relay information to/from event staff. As part of this please relay the first male and female runner past your station with bib number for each race.
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Do not park on the actual race course or block anyone's driveway. There are plenty of side streets to park on or the parking garage downtown to use.
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Please have your RVARC vest on if you have one. Please let me know if you don't have one and I'll make arrangement to get you a loaner in advance. I will also make sure they are available for pickup and return to Net Control on race day.
This event can easily be worked with an HT and 5W by all stations.
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Our primary repeqter with be the AE4ML UHF 442.850MHZ (+) PL79.7 machine.
Our backup frequency will be the the K4TS 2M 147.015(+) PL79.7 machine.
Please program both into your radio prior to the event. Net control, will try to monitor both frequencies at all times if possible.
Net control will have everyone's cell phone number.
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Any questions asked by the public or the media, are to be directed to the Grand Slamrock staff members. Fell free to answer question about amateur radio. We are all some what spread out, so spreading the word about amateur radio will be everyone's job.
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Below is the map of the Heppe 15K as provided by the Race organizers. The marking are in Kilometers not Miles.
The change in color from red to blue of the race course is due to the race looping back on itself in the opposite direction for part of the race. Miles are approximate base on descriptions given by the organizers on this map and the KMZ file. Please be flexible.
Google Earth KMZ file (Right click and "Save Link As" to download.) Heppe_15K.kmz
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